To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance.

The Parable of the Three Stewards,  Matthew 25:29a


One very important step in our faith walk is to grow God’s Kingdom. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be good stewards of the resources God has provided for us. As part of the original charter of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, the conference envisioned the pooling of resources to create a fund for supporting mortgages for churches, pastors and other capital projects for ministry. There are times when churches and pastors do not qualify for a mortgage with a bank, especially newer church plants. It is for these situations that the MB Stewardship Ministries program was created. Over the past 40 years, the Lord has blessed our people with the resources and heart to fund Kingdom growth. Today, many pastors own homes and many churches have buildings thanks to your participation in MB Stewardship Ministries.

With the success and growth of the fund, and with increased regulations governing the financial world, a decision was approved by our churches in 2015 to create an independent organization to manage MB Stewardship Ministries. As a result, CCMBC Legacy Fund Inc. was created as a separate Canadian Registered Charity. In 2019, CCMBC Investments Ltd. was created to facilitate our investment and lending activities. This step was necessary to ensure sustainability of a stable funding platform that will continue to fund ministry while providing our investors with a competitive rate of return. Governance of CCMBC Legacy Fund and CCMBC Investments is overseen by a board of directors comprised of a majority of CCMBC Executive board members.

We continue to pray and ask God to provide the clear vision and wisdom required to make appropriate decisions now and in the years to come.